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The Living Love Affirmation Card Deck has 72 cards (2.75" x 1") with unique affirmations on each one.


The set includes an affirmation journal that invites you to write out the affirmations that you pick and then write about your responses to them. There are a few prompts included in the journal to help you get started. There are also blank hearts on every page for you to color, if you'd like. 


Our responses to affirmations can help reveal the belief systems that may be blocking us from living in alignment with the affirmations. Journaling assists us in pinpointing them and releasing them. 


The cards come in a small white bag. You could carry them with you  in your purse, or leave them out in a bowl in your house. Pick one any time you need a little encouragement. 


I hope the set helps you align with your most joyful and abundant experience of life. 

Living Love Affirmation Cards and Journal

  • If you would like an order shipped in the US, plesae contact me directly: Contact Laura

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